La Rochelle, France (7 jours/7)

Tiphaine Chouvelon

Quality and chemical contamination of prey and trophic networks

My research work focuses on the structure and functioning of trophic networks and more particularly on the transfer of chemical contaminants (especially trace metal elements) in these trophic networks, from the lowest levels (plankton) to top predators (cetaceans, large pelagic fish, etc.). Within the Observatory, I am thus involved in projects that study the quality and chemical contamination of prey and trophic networks supporting top predators, from the ecosystems of the continental shelf to the deep ocean environment (meso to bathypelagic). These contrasting marine ecosystems are in fact exploited by different species and populations of top predators, as well as by man (fishing activities). Furthermore, these are both research projects (e.g. European project H2020 SUMMER) and projects related to the monitoring of the marine environment and carried out within the framework of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), in collaboration with Ifremer (i.e. COREPH monitoring). At present, I am in fact on an external mobility programme for Ifremer (inter-institutional mobility) to work specifically on these projects in which the Pelagis Observatory and Ifremer are partners.

Research Engineer in charge of sampling and data analysis relating to the prey of top predators