La Rochelle, France (7 jours/7)

Ariane Blanchard

Marine Megafauna seen from the sky

I took part in my first air mission piloted by Pelagis as an observer in 2011 during the SAMM1 campaigns. I then took part in the study of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea where I carried out several follow-ups on board boats (Megascope, ferry tracking, GDEGeM) and planes (ASI, SAMM2 Med).
I joined the Pelagis team in 2020, to contribute to the implementation and operational coordination of aerial observation campaigns (SPEE, CAPECET, SAMM). I also take part in the collection of the associated observation data, the cartographic visualisation of the data and the production of campaign reports. I am also helping to develop a digital visual observation support tool (STORMM) and to analyse the aerial photos taken with this system.
At the same time, I am on board as an observer of the marine megafauna for monitoring on board oceanographic vessels during IFREMER (MEGASCOPE) campaigns in the Atlantic and Mediterranean.

Study Engineer in charge of the field coordination of local aerial observation campaigns.
+33 (0)5 86 56 21 07 (LD)
+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 (STD)