La Rochelle, France (7 jours/7)

The team

The team

Florence Caurant

Co-Director of PELAGIS

Co-Director of the Observatory, Senior Lecturer in Ecology at the University of La Rochelle, in charge of activities related to cetacean mortality.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 46 50 76 69

Jérôme Spitz

Co-Director of PELAGIS

Co-Director of the Observatory, CNRS researcher, in charge of the general and scientific coordination of the actions and projects of the observatory of marine mammal populations.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 46 50 76 69

Matthieu Authier

Research Engineer

In charge of the analysis and scientific valorisation of Observatory data in the framework of the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 16 49 67 81

Ariane Blanchard

Study Engineer

In charge of the field coordination of local aerial observation campaigns.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Marine Ballutaud

Postdoctoral researcher

Working on modelling the spatial distributions of small pelagic fish and common dolphins, in order to study the co-occurrence statistics between prey and predator as part of the Delmoges project


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Tiphaine Chouvelon

Research Engineer

Responsible for sampling and analysis of top predator prey data.

+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Willy Dabin

Study Engineer

Responsible for the implementation of actions within the framework of the Observatory and in particular the coordination of stranding monitoring.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Cécile Dars

Study Engineer

In charge of the acquisition and banking of stranding data.

+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Fabien Demaret

Assistant Engineer

Responsible for the acquisition and banking of data from strandings and in particular for the management of collections of samples.

+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Camille Deslias


In charge of analyses on fisheries and potential interactions with dolphins.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Ghislain Doremus

Study Engineer

Responsible for the implementation and coordination of monitoring at sea.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 46 50 76 67

Mathieu Genu

Study Engineer

Responsible for the development of data flow analysis tools. Development of a library and tools to support data analysis and processing.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Sophie Laran

Research Engineer

In charge of the analysis and scientific valorisation of data from observation campaigns.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 16 49 67 15

Audrey Mauchamp

Lab technician

In charge of laboratory analysis for cetacean biodemography.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Eleonore Meheust

Study Engineer

In charge of database management and quality control of stranding data.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Paula Méndez Fernandez

Research Engineer

In charge of the acquisition and scientific valorisation of data from the monitoring of contaminants.

paula.mendez_fernandez(at) +33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 16 49 67 15

Camille Ollier


Modelling of cetacean habitat using a combination of acoustic and visual observation data.

+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Hélène Peltier

Research Engineer

In charge of the analysis and scientific valorisation of cetacean catch data in fishing gear.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 46 50 76 83

Marion Pillet

Scientist coordinator

In charge of coordinating the Delmoges project, which aims to provide more information on the incidental capture of common dolphins in the Bay of Biscay.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10

Vincent Ridoux

Professor of Ecology at La Rochelle University

In charge of scientific support for the Ministry in charge of Ecology on marine mammal conservation issues.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 46 50 76 69

Thierry Sanchez

Study Engineer

Responsible for collecting scientific observation data from aerial data using visual and digital methods


 Olivier Van Canneyt

Study Engineer

Responsible for the overall coordination of data collection systems.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10 / 05 46 50 76 68

Sarah Wund

Research Engineer – veterinary

In charge of veterinary expertise and health surveillance strategy.


+33 (0)5 46 44 99 10