La Rochelle, France (7 jours/7)

Articles scientifiques 2006

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Bustamante P, Lahaye V, Durnez C, Churlaud C, Caurant F. Total and organic Hg concentrations in cephalopods from the North East Atlantic waters : influence of geographical origin and feeding ecology. Sci. Total Env. 368 : 585-596

Caurant F, Aubail A, Lahaye V, Van Canneyt O, Rogan E, López A, Addink M, Churlaud C, Robert M, Bustamante P. Lead contamination of small cetaceans in European waters – The use of stable isotopes for identifying the sources of lead exposure. Mar. Env. Res. 62 : 131-148

Chancollon O, Pusineri C, Ridoux V. Food and feeding ecology of the northeast Atlantic swordfish, Xiphias gladius, off the Bay of Biscay. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 63 : 1075-1085

Lahaye V, Bustamante P, Dabin W, Van Canneyt O, Dhermain F, Cesarini C, Pierce GJ, Caurant F. New insights from age determination on toxic element accumulation in striped and bottlenose dolphins from Atlantic and Mediterranean waters. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 52 : 1219-1230

Miclard J, Mokhtari K, Jouvion G, Wyrzykowski B, Van Canneyt O, Wyers M, Colle MA. Microcystic meningioma in a dolphin (Delphinus delphis) : Immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study. J. Comp. Path. 135 : 254-258

Ringelstein J, Pusineri C, Hassani S, Meynier L, Nicolas R, Ridoux V. The food and feeding ecology of the striped dolphin, Stenella coerulaeoalba, in the oceanic Northeast Atlantic. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. UK. 86 : 909-918

Santos M, Pierce GJ, López A, Reid RJ, Ridoux V, Mente E. Pygmy sperm whales, Kogia breviceps, in the northeast Atlantic : new information on stomach contents and strandings. Mar. Mamm. Sci. 22 : 600-616

Spitz J, Richard E, Meynier L, Pusineri C, Ridoux V. Dietary plasticity of the oceanic striped dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba, in the neritic Bay of Biscay. J. Sea Res. 55 : 309-320

Spitz J, Rousseau Y, Ridoux V. Diet overlap between harbour porpoise and bottlenose dolphin : a case for interference competition ? J. Coast. Est. Shelf Sci. 70 : 259-270