La Rochelle, France (7 jours/7)

Articles scientifiques 2018

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Authier M., Dorémus G., Van Canneyt O., Boubert J.-J., Gautier G., Doray M., Duhamel E., Massé J., Petitgas, P., Ridoux V., Spitz J. (2018) Exploring change in the relative abundance of marine megafauna in the Bay of Biscay, 2004-2016. Progress in Oceanography,….

Dessier A., Dupuy C., Kerric A., Mornet F., Authier M., Bustamante P., Spitz J. (2018) Variability of energy density among mesozooplankton community : new insights in functional diversity to forage fish. Progress in Oceanography,…

Doray M., Petitgas P., Romagnan J.-B., Huret M., Duhamel E., Dupuy C., Spitz J., Authier M., Sanchez F., Berger L., Dorémus G., Bourriau P., Grellier P., Massé J. (2018) The PELGAS survey : Ship-based integrated monitoring of the Bay of Biscay pelagic ecosystem. Progress in Oceanography,…

Lambert C., Authier, M., Doray, M., Dorémus G., Spitz J., Ridoux V. (2018). Decadal stability in top predator habitat preferences in the Bay of Biscay. Progress in Oceanography,…

Méndez-Fernandez P., Kiszka J., R. Heithaus M., Beal A., Vandersarren G., Caurant F., Spitz J., Taniguchi S., C. Montone R. (2018). From banana fields to the deep blue : Assessment of chlordecone contamination of oceanic cetaceans in the eastern Caribbean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, Volume 137 P56-60,…

Petitgas, P., Huret, M., Dupuy, C., Spitz, J., Authier, M., Romagnan, J.B., Doray, M. (2018). Ecosystem spatial structure revealed by integrated survey data. Progress in Oceanography,

Rousset, G., De Boissieu, F., Menkes, C.E., Lefèvre, J., Frouin, R., Rodier, M., Ridoux, V., Laran, S., Bonnet, S., Dupouy, C. (2018). Remote sensing of Trichodesmium spp. mats in the western tropical South Pacific. Biogeosciences 15 (16), 5203-5219

Spitz, J., Ridoux, V., Trites, A.W., Laran, S., Authier, M. (2018). Prey consumption by cetaceans reveals the importance of energy-rich food webs in the Bay of Biscay. Progress in Oceanography.

Virgili, A., Authier, M., Monestiez, P., & Ridoux, V. (2018). How many sightings to model rare marine species distributions. PloS one, 13(3), e0193231.